Walking The Up-Right Path - Oct 07, 2011 Throat to crown and then back down to Sweetheart Park |
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I cross across Prince Edward at Dentdale and enter the Third-eye, following the winding park path up towards Netherfield Road South. But I don’t cross across and go up to the Locks as this has now been seen to be part of the Giant’s mid-line channel. This up-right energy path goes north for a while along Netherfield Road South and then up into Everton Brow park along what used to be Magnum Street. It then flows along the park path to the top of the steps that look down to the old (now quite dry) fountains next to the back entrance to the Ecological Gardens. Onward then to the North gate of the park and out onto Northumberland Terrace and into the crown chakra. |
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As I walk along Northumberland Terrace to the entrance to the Iron Church (St. Georges) I notice a beefy looking man in a red shirt talking to some kids who are just returning from the newly built junior high school. He looks to me to be a teacher checking up on them, though the kids seemed uncertain and a bit uncomfortable talking to him. He soon moves on. I go up the steps into the back yard at the Iron Church. The tree, grave and stone combination there is particularly striking and makes me think of the sacred grove in Bala,Wales that I’d visited with Gerry on my last visit in Aug 2011.
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I realized then that the old Druid ways were not just Human/Tree-spirit but rather Human/Tree-spirit/Earth-rock-entity; a three-way parlay of animal, vegetable and mineral. The way the tree and the rock and the grave are placed by the back of the Iron church sets this out quite well - even the iron in the stone walls supported by the wood beams of the church itself echoes this. This tree/rock/grave here has always been a very strong place since the first visit in 2006. Interesting that it is all the way up there in the Giant's crown chakra (and not in the root). Something to ponder as I exit the front gate of the church.
I meet the guy in the red shirt again on the sidewalk outside the front gate. Turns out he isn’t a teacher but is lost and asking for directions. He’s a bit wobbly in some mental way, hard to connect with or even understand. His red shirt says “volunteer” on it. He has a crumpled paper with the word “Friary” on it, but the it is upside down to both of us and hard to read. He is pretty disoriented and I am too as I try to tell him where the Friary is. I’m pretty sure it’s part of the St. Mary of the Angels church building down in Everton valley about twenty minutes walk away - there’s a sign by the deep magenta doors there saying “Friary House” and I think there’s some sort of social agency service hub there. |
I think about showing him the photo on my camera of the sign (which I had just taken earlier) but he’s sure the Friary is nearby, probably somewhere around by the Albion Youth Centre behind the church. He might well be right, but his questioning is confusing to both of us and there is clearly no useable direction coming out of our interchange. I have the feeling that wandering about like this and asking questions without hearing and answers is an ongoing activity for him. He soon careens off to where he thinks the Friary is located behind the church. Perhaps h is right despite his overwhelming disorientation
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I cross across Heyworth Street, walk north in front of the old Everton library and enter the crown field. I don’t stay long, just a short rest before starting back along the down-left path. As I come out to Heyworth Street along Beacon lane I see a man taking photos of the Mere Bank Pub. He greets me as I walk by and includes me in the background of one of his photos. This was so much like what I was doing I decide to photo him too, just managing to get a few quick snaps of him and the historic building before he gett in his car and drove off. He is very intent on his photo work, almost as if he is collecting the building (and maybe me as well) as part of a photo scavenger hunt. He is quite friendly, almost collegial in tone when he greets me. |
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As I cross Heyworth and walk south along the sidewalk past the entrance to the park, I see a guy on a motorbike drive up to the top of the hill at the border of the crown and third eye chakras. He stops looks off down the hill (this is the highest point around Liverpool. After a few seconds he suddenly guns his motor and drives off down the hill disappearing behind the crest of the hill. How very strange - En and I saw someone just like this in 2008 when we made our first walk along this path and collected his imprint to take to Sweetheart Park. Is it actually the same guy three years later? Hard to know, but it’s certain that the same energy imprint is an ongoing one and needs to be collected again.
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I continue to walk along the west sidewalk of Heyworth going south. The sight of the park on the other side of the metal fence is both familiar and exotic - I wave a desire to be inside the fence, yet know that the path runs along outside. It is a fast-paced walk as I pass Hamilton Road to the east, Cochrane Street (and the old Baptist church just inside the park) to the west, then the entrance to the road that takes cars into a lookout point over the city. I finally cross Heyworth to the other side again at Breck Road. After walking a further block south I turn east onto Lloyd Close. |
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This is a curiously twisted little street that eventually turns into Hudson Place as it comes to the old water tower at the corner with Margaret Street. The tower is a bit of a disappointment to walk by, quite grand in scale and energy, but now totally unavailable behind all the fences and protective custody. There’s a feeling a deprivation here and disintegrating energy that is leeching away without being put to its proper usage. Things are dumped here, most recently some pools of sticky tar mar the route. Odd to find such unwholesomeness so close to the underground resevour that is now next to the water tower.
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I follow Margaret South, past Spencer Street and cross into the throat. I soon arrive at the north end of Grant Gardens and go in through the entrance at Mill Road. Quite a curious place Grant Gardens, seemingly empty and isolated, yet still retaining its strength despite the fact that hardly anyone comes here these days. This was once one of the largest cemeteries for Liverpool, but was “discontinued” at some point in the past and the gravestones removed (but not the buried bodies evidently as bones have turned up from time to time when road work is done nearby). Descendants and relatives of the people originally buried here are still upset about this. |
So the location was sodded over and became a park, though it doesn’t seem to be much used except by dog walkers and people passing through on their way to somewhere else. Bad girls paint their names on the large walkway from time to time and their writing is black-painted over. There is a very strong tree about halfway down on the western side where we planted a bamboo heart spike in 2008. Whenever I come this way I stop here and just stand underneath for a while. This day is no exception: I spend five or ten minutes here with this tree before I finally move on along the path.
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I leave Grant Gardens at the south end and cross across Everton Road to Low Hill which I follow on the eastern side going south toward the hospital. I pass past the “miners” building (Gregsons Well) where we picked up an energy imprint three years before. Nothing much left now but a crumbling facade, though the energy lingers inside there still. There’s a small parkette just past Winter Street that has remained quite interesting over the years; it performs some important, though as yet unknown function. It is often filled with rubbish and other debris, but today it looks quite sparkly for some reason.
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I cross the busy corner of Low Hill and Prescott and turn in to the hospital grounds at the finger-shaped power pant smoke stack. As I pass past the back of the large church that stands at the corner of Prescott and Hall Lane I notice that the large empty bottle collection that had for years been building behind the iron fencing has been cleaned up. The old house in the parking lot has been taken down and more parking spaces added. The whole flow of the parking and walking area behind the Cancer centre has been majorly altered and it is a bit hard to find a way through to the city. After some hits and misses I manage to find my way.
As I come to the end of the hospital pathways I come across an older couple making there way out from the hospital and back down to the city. I have the feeling that they have been to the hospital to take care of some health concerns and are returning home after a consult or some treatment. The woman stops to remove something from her shoe, leaning on the man who supports her. They both seem quite worn and debilitated from their visit to the hospital, but the overall feeling is that their mutual support is helpful to both of them. Maybe cancer is being fought successfully, but the process is hard on them both. Still they are supporting each other well as they make their way through hard times. |
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I watch the couple get on a bus at West Derby, then cross the street and walk through a small overgrown and slightly dangerous empty lot. I emerge onto Crown Street, which I follow south to Brownlow. After a short jog east along Brownlow I continue south again along Crown. Most of Oxford Park has been chopped off and cordoned off by the newly arranged streets. As I walk south on Crown I can see that there is no access to the park until just at the bottom past the school where Crown is renamed Grove. Much pity in this as the park was a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of the city and University that surrounds it. |
I turn west off Grove Street and onto Oxford. I walk along Oxford until it becomes Mount Pleasant in front of the cathedral. It's not far from here to Cathedral Walk and Sweetheart Park and I soon arrive at my destination. The boarded fence and site offices for John Moores university still stuff up this important location in the landscape of the Giant and make it inaccessible. Hopefully they will be removed and the park rebuilt as the university has promised. Two sets of wind chimes have been placed in the trees there, but the one in the walnut tree seems to be gone and who knows about the other one in the tree along the back fence. Hard to say when I'll be able to get in there again. In the meantime all I can do is stand outside the fence and send the nine recently collected symbolic energy imprints up into the branches of the waiting walnut tree |
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contact us at giant@wearewakingthesleepinggiant.org |