The 1st Journey Within The Sleeping Giant |
(October 22, 2006 ~ 10:00 AM - 6:30 PM)
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This walk was taken near to the end of our first stay in Liverpool. By this time we had already discovered quite a lot about how the Giant was situated in the landscape, and I’ll just say a bit about some of the things we had been doing for the previous 3 weeks since arriving in the city:
The first place we went to was the spring in St. James Cemetery. We spent some time there and soon were convinced that the spring was in the Giant’s Root chakra. From this starting point we looked out in all directions, and it quickly became clear that the other chakras were north of here, that the Giant lies in the Liverpool landscape on a north-south line east of the Mercy River. Each day as we walked through the city we discovered more of just where the chakras were located and the landscape that surrounded them. We also got a feel for the energetic qualities in each of the chakras. We plotted the body of the Giant on the city map. We put out small receptor dishes while walking, carefully aligning them in different directions to pick up and distribute the Giant’s dreaming. We hung colourful strings of dream flags in areas where the Giant’s dreaming was prominent.
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We made a Giantwater essence on the full moon night soon after we arrived in the city. We went to the spring at about 2 am, filled 2 small bowls with water from the spring, and walked around the cemetery with them, stopping at many of the trees for a minute or two to invite their presence into the essence water. We also noticed 3 different human spirits while moving around, and invited them in too. All this time there were big clouds racing across the sky. We were alternately walking in almost complete darkness, then flooded with the moon’s bright light. After an hour or more, we brought the water back to the spring and bottled it there.
The essence was used a lot from then on. A few drops into a bottle of water made the Giantwater that we drank throughout our stay. We pasted Giantwater labels on to drinking water bottles, added a few drops of essence, and gave them out to anyone who was inerested.
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We had also made some tickets and passed them out to the people who we met in town while speaking about the Giant. These tickets were invitations to come on the day-long walk through the Giant’s body, or to meet us for a portion of the walk along the way. There were 7 different tickets that corresponded to the 7 chakras. They were printed in different colours, each one saying We Are Waking The Sleeping Giant, Liverpool 2006 on the front, and each colour had a different phrase written on the back:
On the day of the long walk through the Giant’s body, we started out at about 9 am. It was a Sunday. There were three of us - Allen, Dalton and I. We were pulling along Steve’s cart which was loaded up with the Giantroom. This consisted of a big bolt of bright yellow fabric that we were planning to stretch around a group of trees to make a room. We had tried it out already - it worked beautifully and we were hoping to have the opportunity to use it in the Giant’s third eye chakra on this journey. The cart also held three full backpacks and rain gear for us all. We were not traveling lightly. It was cool and looked like it might rain.
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We headed for the Root chakra in St. James Cemetery. When we reached the spring we filled a few bottles with the fresh running water. We also filled one of the bowls that we’d used for making the essence, and this bowl of Root spring water, topped up as necessary along the way, would be carried for the rest of the journey up to the Crown chakra. We brought it around to the trees and the spirits, as we had done on the full moon night of essence-making. We stood together with the bowl held between us and chanted for a few minutes. We would chant in each of the chakras as we entered them throughout the day - in each chakra a different chant. We drew a tarot card in each chakra too. We didn’t focus on the cards or speak of them, but just let them arise. We would look at them more closely later on.
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In order to keep focus on the intent of the day’s journey, which was to stay aware of the Giant’s presence and particularly to be aware of the energetic quality of each chakra, we decided to enact a small remembering ritual each time we approached one of the chakras. We would recite the basic story of the Giant, then add to it the accumulating experiences of the walk as we moved up the body. So, to begin this ritual at the Root chakra, one of us said:
There are twelve ancient Giants sleeping throughout the world. One of them is in Liverpool and it’s dreaming as it sleeps. It’s dreaming a dream of waking up, and everyone in Liverpool is part of the Giant’s dreaming. The Giant is calling to all of us to help it awake. The time of the awakening is drawing near.
Now we are in the Giant’s Root chakra and are entering into the Giant’s dream. |
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We also had 7 glass balls with us, with the intention of leaving one at each of the chakra places, a small offering. We tossed one of them up into a nook in the Northern Poplar tree in the northeast corner of the yard just before leaving. I had had a strong experience with this tree on the night of the essence-making. - In the dark of night I approached it from a long way away, all the time feeling an increasing fear arising. When I got there I put both hands on the tree’s trunk and asked that the fear be taken away. Immediately it was gone, and I was peaceful and full of gratitude.
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We left the cemetery and walked along the path that had been scouted out during the previous weeks, which led us eastwards then northwards, along a few streets and alleys before coming into the Hara chakra. In one of these alleys we stopped to recite the story of our traveling so far:
There are twelve ancient Giants sleeping throughout the world. One of them is in Liverpool and it’s dreaming as it sleeps. It’s dreaming a dream of waking up, and everyone in Liverpool is part of the Giant’s dreaming. The Giant is calling to all of us to help it awake. The time of the awakening is drawing near.
We have been to the Root chakra and filled the bowl with spring water to carry up through the Giant’s body to the Crown chakra. We have invited the spirits and the trees to join us for this day’s walk. We have entered the Giant’s dreaming. Now as we enter the Giant’s Hara chakra we are beginning to listen for the Giant. |
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We became quiet, not talking much at all but all the while listening acutely to everything around us. As I walked I let my vision soften and it was as if my eyes had sunk into the back of my head, and I was gazing out at the world from a deeper place. With the attention coming from the back of the head, this had the effect of widening my senses, and thus opening my ears. It’s a good technique for listening and for being generally aware of the present.
We continued on to the southeast corner of St Luke’s church. This area is near to the hub of the entertainment district. There’s lots of activity around here, day and night. Lots of debauchery and drunkenness. But also lots of movement - traffic comes through here from all parts of the city - there are many different busses, and the complex web of streets brings in people from all directions. We stood on the sidewalk with the cart for about ½ hour, silently watching and listening to the morning. We witnessed a scenario that seemed to underline the energetic quality of the Giant’s Hara at this time:
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The morning was already busy. A car pulled up to park along the side of the street just beside where we were standing. A teenage girl got out of the back seat, closed the door and began walking down the sidewalk. Then her mother emerged from the passenger side of the front seat and started yelling at her for slamming the door. Obviously tension had been building in that car before they got here, and we were witnessing the blow out. Then the father got into the act, blaming the girl for her behaviour and threatening that they wouldn’t continue this trip unless she made changes, etc. She began to cry, and the whole family was involved in such an impossible tangle that it was really sad. They walked, not really together at this point, down the sidewalk to the corner, out of earshot. But before crossing the street they all turned around and came back and got in the car and drove off. Apparently the outing was called off after all, they coudn’t continue any further.
We watched this silently; they were so absorbed in their scenario that nobody else was visible to them. We didn’t speak of it together, but later on I had the feeling that this was a good show of how the Hara chakra is blocked up. Lots of people hang out here - it’s one of the places where people are allowed to drink in public. The place seems to invite a raw energy. Bottles and garbage are thrown into the churchyard over the fence, and paid city workers regularly go around tidying it up. Maybe in days past the church was able to take in the raw stuff and transform it into something else for the community, but the church was gutted by a fire bomb during WW II and is now inaccessible. It’s kept as a war memorial but has no useful function for the people who live here.
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So people bring stuff here that needs transforming - they dump it off, but the transaction is not being completed. That part of the mechanism of the Hara that transforms for redistribution to the rest of the body is not working. One necessary step towards the Giant’s awakening is to open up the Hara and get the machinery of transformation up and running again. I believe this will change in time and the opening will occur. The area draws hungry people from all over the city - it’s not only a local area, but a place that serves the Giant’s whole body.
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We walked around the city block that the church occupies, then entered the yard, sat on the steps in the southeast corner, and had a look at the church from this perspective. As part of the biennial art exhibition, an artist had filled the empty church with upside down boat hulls. The whole floor area was taken up with these boats. People could view them by walking along a raised platform that began at the street and was held up by scaffolding all the way to the large windows at the back of the church. There you could look down on the green hulls and also see the inside of the church. Apparently there had been a few tall trees growing inside until recently, but they are gone now - whether they were cut down for the purpose of the exhibition or other reasons I don’t know. In any case, the church was made open enough for this exhibition, but it was still impossible to enter. It seemed to me that some changes towards a real opening were beginning.
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We pulled another tarot card from the deck, then got up and walked around the outside of the building. I drew a quick picture by dipping my fingers into the bowl of water and wiping them on the side of the church. It dried and disappeared within a minute. I tossed a glass ball through a window into the church. We pulled the cart along the streets and alleys to the Will chakra. Along the way we stopped to speak the story as it was growing:
There are twelve ancient Giants sleeping throughout the world. One of them is in Liverpool and it’s dreaming as it sleeps. It’s dreaming a dream of waking up, and everyone in Liverpool is part of the Giant’s dreaming. The Giant is calling to all of us to help it awake. The time of the awakening is drawing near.
We have been to the Root chakra and filled the bowl with spring water to carry up through the Giant’s body to the Crown chakra. We have invited the spirits and the trees to join us for this day’s walk. We have entered the Giant’s dreaming. In the Hara chakra we began listening for the Giant. We have heard and witnessed signs of blockages in the Hara, and also of the opening that is beginning to occur there. As we enter the Will chakra we are beginning to look for the Giant. |
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We came to the alley where we had scouted around many times during the previous weeks. Sometimes there was an opening into one small lot, and sometimes into another. This is a dense area, with some buildings slated for demolition, some protected construction sites, and several empty lots that will be construction sites soon. The empty places drew us in but we could never be sure from one day to the next if they would be accessible. Sometimes they were fenced in tightly with heavy locks, and other times the locks were off and we could enter.
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One of the larger lots in the alley behind the Projection Gallery had a fence that was left open and we had put up some strings of flags around its perimeter a few days earlier. It was still open on the day of the walk so we entered and set about drawing the signature of the Giant on the stony ground, using the broken bricks and stones that were available. There was a large mushroom newly sprouted out of the ground in the line of the signature. We poured a bit of water from the Root spring bowl around it. And left a glass ball by its side. We drew a third tarot card here.
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We walked from the Will to the area of the Heart chakra, but didn’t stop along the way to recite the growing story - we did that later. Several weeks ago we discovered that there are two places in the Heart chakra. One is a large open park by the Royal Mail sorting facility and an old hydro building. This place seems to have to do with a public, communal heart expression. The other place is a much smaller park, an intimate place that hardly anyone we spoke with knows about. It’s situated just north of Mt. Pleasant St behind Gerry’s bookstore. We called this place Sweetheart Park, and the other Bigheart Park. We headed for Sweetheart Park now, and Allen and I stayed there for a rest while Dalton went on to Bigheart Park to greet the people who said they would meet us there. We were running a bit late so he could let them know we were on our way.
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We sat by the Walnut tree in Sweetheart Park, not speaking much but just resting. We drew 2 tarot cards here. We meant to take only one, but another one came popping out with it. We accepted that and figured we’d know more about it later. And so we did - one of them is a good picture for Sweetheart Park and the other for Bigheart Park. By the time we left we were very much renewed and ready to meet up with whoever had gathered together in Bigheart.
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When we approached Bigheart Park we saw 6 people waiting for us, quietly moving around the park on their own or in pairs. With Dalton and Allen and me, that made 9 people altogether. We gave a brief synopsis of what we were doing. Allen posted the map on the side of the hydro building and pointed out the route we had so far taken and what had been done in each chakra:
There are twelve ancient Giants sleeping throughout the world. One of them is in Liverpool and it’s dreaming as it sleeps. It’s dreaming a dream of waking up, and everyone in Liverpool is part of the Giant’s dreaming. The Giant is calling to all of us to help it awake. The time of the awakening is drawing near.
We have been to the Root chakra and filled the bowl with spring water to carry up through the Giant’s body to the Crown chakra. We have invited the spirits and the trees to join us for this day’s walk. We have entered the Giant’s dreaming. In the Hara chakra we began listening for the Giant. We have heard and witnessed signs of blockages in the Hara, and also of the opening that is beginning to occur there. We began looking for the Giant in the Will chakra. We laid out the Giant’s signature in the open area of the Will. Now as we enter into the Giant’s Heart chakra, our intention is to feel the Giant. |
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At this point we began focusing in on feeling the Giant. We asked everyone to go off on their own and move around within the park, all the while being aware of the emotions they were feeling. And while focusing on the emotions, to move freely within the landscape until they came to a natural stop. Then to look closely in the vicinity to find an object, it could be anything, that they were attracted to, which somehow spoke to the feelings they were having. Then to bring that object to the middle of the park. Everyone did this and within about 15 minutes we were all gathered together with a collection of objects in front of us.
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At first there was a jumble of disconnected, odd things, but some people began moving them around a bit, making different arrangements and changing the overall shape of the collection. This went on for some time. Not everyone partook in the rearranging, and not everyone had much to say about their items, but some people were clearly moved by the simplicity of such work and how expressive it could be, how much our inner thoughts and feelings are met with outside circumstances. I remember that Allen kept coaxing people to speak about their finds and to encourage the rearranging of them. Clearly some people were uncomfortable with the work and wanted things to end, yet he was happily keeping the time open, the event unfinished.
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Feel The Giant
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There were very large emotions present that no one person could claim, but that everyone was feeling and being affected by. Some people were more at ease with this than others. These emotions really had nothing to do with the items, or anyone’s individual stories about their items, or even anyone’s personal emotions. The emotional quality was huge and empty. It was this emptiness that was growing, and I felt it as a joy creeping into my being, from where I could not determine. I remember picking up a few items and placing them differently - certain things that had been carelessly thrown down were now being more consciously and gently placed, and I felt the relief this generated move as a wave through the people standing and watching. A few other people were also engaging with the items, and with others there was shyness and not much participation.
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When this time with the items was finished, we handed out strings of colourful flags to everyone and we all moved backwards, stretching the flags between us so that together we made a much larger circle. We began chanting together. This opened up all our hearts, and the emotions found expression in happy faces and movement that everyone enjoyed. The time with the items had gathered the emotional energy, and now this dance was letting it out. The more we chanted the Ah ma ee chant, the more everyone got into it. We even had rounds going for awhile, at the same time moving the circle in a slow clockwise motion. The wheel of Dharma was beginning to turn! There were a few people in the postal building across the field watching us from a large second-floor window opening. They were waving and smiling away. When the chant died down and the dance was done, we distributed the flags to everyone so they could take them home with them. They were pleased to have them. We wrote down a few names and phone numbers of those who wanted to keep in touch, and said goodbye to everyone. It was just Allen, Dalton and I who continued on from here. The weather had turned cold and it was beginning to rain.
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We walked quite silently northwards. In this silence I was continuing to feel the joy that had been initiated in both parks of the Heart chakra. I felt free in the world, even that I had no home and was always traveling this way, like a nomad or a Territory orphan. We were carrying with us everything we could think of that was necessary for the journey, and didn’t want for anything. And in spite of the group’s awkwardness at Bigheart Park, there was still an amazing opening that happened there that everyone had experienced. What they thought of the experience, and how they explained it to themselves and others was up to each individual. Allen was also glowing with joy and satisfaction, and occasionally we caught each other’s eye and smiled with the pleasure of the work and the day and the Giant.
While we walked along one of us would begin singing softly, “We are waking the sleeping Giant” then the other two would join in. The song would arise, stay for some time, then recede. It felt like whispering into the Giant’s ear - gently, while the Giant sleeps, inserting a little dream of awakening. We crossed into the market square.
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It was Sunday and the place was quiet. Besides, it was raining quite steadily by this time so no one was about. We stopped under an awning somewhere and one of us spoke the path taken so far:
There are twelve ancient Giants sleeping throughout the world. One of them is in Liverpool and it’s dreaming as it sleeps. It’s dreaming a dream of waking up, and everyone in Liverpool is part of the Giant’s dreaming. The Giant is calling to all of us to help it awake. The time of the awakening is drawing near.
We have been to the Root chakra and filled the bowl with spring water to carry up through the Giant’s body to the Crown chakra. We have invited the spirits and the trees to join us for this day’s walk. We have entered the Giant’s dreaming. In the Hara chakra we began listening for the Giant. We have heard and witnessed signs of blockages in the Hara, and also of the opening that is beginning to occur there. We began looking for the Giant in the Will chakra. We laid out the Giant’s signature in the open area of the Will. We stopped in Sweetheart Park and were renewed by the pervasive open heart of the Giant. We came to Bigheart Park and met 6 other people. Together we began to feel the Giant. We opened our hearts and danced and sang in accord with the Giant’s heart. Now we are entering into the Giant’s Throat chakra. We will follow the Giant’s breath. |
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It was a fairly long walk to the Throat chakra park. When we arrived we didn’t really know what to do there, but within a few minutes had spread out so that the three of us were standing at three points in the park out of earshot from each other. We began swinging our arms around in wide sweeping motions, like semaphore, all the while singing “We are Waking the Sleeping Giant” at the top of our lungs. We were so far spread out that we could barely hear each other, and there was no one around but the Giant to hear us on this cold and rainy afternoon.
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We drew a tarot card out of the deck. We put out a few more receptor dishes and headed northwards again. We continued walking up to the Third Eye chakra, on the high ground of Everton Brow. There was a sense of excited anticipation, towards what I didn’t know. We rolled the heavy cart up the hill, with one person pulling and the other two pushing from below when the hill was at its steepest. We stopped along the Giant’s eyebrow, where there is a line of canopy over some benches that looks over a wide view of the city and harbour below. Here we continued the recitation of the Giant story and the day’s events:
There are twelve ancient Giants sleeping throughout the world. One of them is in Liverpool and it’s dreaming as it sleeps. It’s dreaming a dream of waking up, and everyone in Liverpool is part of the Giant’s dreaming. The Giant is calling to all of us to help it awake. The time of the awakening is drawing near.
We have been to the Root chakra and filled the bowl with spring water to carry up through the Giant’s body to the Crown chakra. We have invited the spirits and the trees to join us for this day’s walk. We have entered the Giant’s dreaming. In the Hara chakra we began listening for the Giant. We have heard and witnessed signs of blockages in the Hara, and also of the opening that is beginning to occur there. We began looking for the Giant in the Will chakra. We laid out the Giant’s signature in the open area of the Will. We stopped in Sweetheart Park and were renewed by the pervasive open heart of the Giant. We came to Bigheart Park and met 6 other people. Together we began to feel the Giant. We opened our hearts and danced and sang in accord with the Giant’s heart. We stopped in the Throat chakra and sang and danced, beginning to breathe with the Giant, letting the wind move our bodies to release the joy into song. Now as we enter into the Third Eye chakra we will begin to dream with the Giant. |
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When we came to the top of the Brow we left the cart on the edge of the bowl, and the three of us walked down to the centre point of the bowl. Dalton led a slow-moving spiral that started to climb up the slope. We stopped to look at a group of mushrooms, and were quietly gazing down at them when Marta, all in colourful clothing, came to meet us. We were all really happy and amazed to see her. We hadn’t expected anyone to meet up with us after leaving the Heart chakra, and this was a welcome surprise. When she arrived it stopped raining.
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We all walked up together to where the cart was waiting on the top of the hill and when we got there we watched down the other side of the hill as a taxi came to a stop along the road that wound around the north side of the bowl. He seemed to be looking for something, or his passenger was. The taxi was still for a minute, I guess while the driver was being paid, and then a man got out and started climbing the hill straight towards us. That’s how we first met Josh. He might just as well have been coming by hot air balloon, so odd and perfectly-timed was his arrival. Turns out that Josh had arranged to meet Marta and us here. I don’t know how they got the timing so right. We all walked on northwards with a growing joy and pleasure in each other’s company.
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On the way we were discovered by 4 young boys on bicycles who were racing around the park looking for anything that came their way. We must have looked like an odd troupe to them so they honed in to us and wanted to know what we were doing. When they heard about the Giant they kept firing questions and laughing at the game of it. They were tough kids, and weren’t about to let us off lightly.
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There were a few possible places where the yellow room could have been put up, and we chose the one with a grouping 5 smallish trees, on a slope. The 5 of us worked together to stretch the bungie cord around the trunks of the trees, and then to hang and stretch the yellow fabric around and clip it to the cord. We made a doorway in a corner by one of the trees.
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While we were making the Giantroom the boys were persistently heckling us and riding their bikes into the fabric and being really mischievous. But everyone was accepting their antics in stride, and as long as they weren’t actually busting things, then they were OK. They wanted to bum some ciggies and insisted that we take their photos as they made faces and clowned around. Once they knew we were friendly towards them, they settled down a bit and weren’t causing problems. Eventually they found a rope that was attached to a tree at the top of a slope and took turns swinging out over the slope and crashing back to earth again. They were like monkeys in the forest.
The sun was beginning to set. We placed the bowl of water inside the Giant’s room, and one by one the 5 of us took turns going inside to give something to the Giant. There was usually another one of us near to the doorway just to make sure their time inside was not interrupted. The yellow room tends to bring light into the space rather than block it out. The world outside becomes much less defined, although it doesn’t disappear. It’s wonderful to watch the movements of people and the sway of branches as they cast their shadows on the yellow walls. With the everyday world softened like this, communication with the Giant is simultaneously heightened. There is intimacy without enclosure.
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We drew a tarot card out of the deck. Although we would have been happy to stay here for longer after everyone had been in the Giantroom, it was dusk now and the sky was darkening. We had further to go. Fireworks were going off in the distance. We heard the explosions and saw the sky light up with colours. Such a celebration made perfect sense to us, and the large scale of the fireworks was especially appropriate. It felt like the Giant was acknowledging our presence and welcoming us with this grand gesture.
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We poured some of the Root spring’s water into the ground where the bowl had stood and buried a glass ball there too. We rolled up the yellow fabric and the bungie. The job was quick with so many people. We hung strings of colourful flags around the trees where the fabric had been.
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Then we continued walking up to the Crown. Everyone was in a state of euphoria. We stopped before reaching the gateway to the Crown chakra to make another recitation of the Giant story:
There are twelve ancient Giants sleeping throughout the world. One of them is in Liverpool and it’s dreaming as it sleeps. It’s dreaming a dream of waking up, and everyone in Liverpool is part of the Giant’s dreaming. The Giant is calling to all of us to help it awake. The time of the awakening is drawing near.
We have been to the Root chakra and filled the bowl with spring water to carry up through the Giant’s body to the Crown chakra. We have invited the spirits and the trees to join us for this day’s walk. We have entered the Giant’s dreaming. In the Hara chakra we began listening for the Giant. We have heard and witnessed signs of blockages in the Hara, and also of the opening that is beginning to occur there. We began looking for the Giant in the Will chakra. We laid out the Giant’s signature in the open area of the Will. We stopped in Sweetheart Park and were renewed by the pervasive open heart of the Giant. We came to Bigheart Park and met 6 other people. Together we began to feel the Giant. We opened our hearts and danced and sang in accord with the Giant’s heart. We stopped in the Throat chakra and sang and danced, beginning to breathe with the Giant, letting the wind move our bodies to release the joy into song. In the Third Eye chakra we were joined by 2 other travelers. Together we put up the Giantroom and each of us went inside to give something to the Giant privately. We began dreaming along with the Giant. Now we are entering the Giant’s Crown chakra and are beginning to awake with the Giant. |
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When we approached the Iron church at the Crown chakra we were amazed to hear a choir singing inside. We moved quietly in the churchyard, pouring the last of the Root spring water that we had been carrying all day around the front yard tree. We buried a glass ball nearby. And we drew the last tarot card. We listened to the singing, a joyous sound, and soon moved around to the back of the church. Here we saw that the whole back side was lit up. We’d seen the stained glass before, but never with lights on inside. It was magnificent.
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Everyone decided to walk home together. We were totally satisfied, even triumphant with the day’s journey through the Giant’s body. We took turns pulling the cart and kept changing walking partners, talking easily along the way.
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Two days later Allen and I walked again from the Root chakra up to the Crown, taking photos and videotaping the route along the way. Later on Allen put together a movie of the journey. It's posted on Google video. You can see it by clicking here.