Allen writes: I picked up this object while taking photos for the midline path movie during the week before the final walk along the midline path. I was coming back down the midline shaft from the third eye and noticed a happy, energetic object on the sidewalk by the bus stop on the east side of the wild flower throat field. This was surprising because I had found something on this same sidewalk earlier as I went up the midline. I should have seen this object then, but here it suddenly was, almost as if it had appeared in the time it took for me to travel up to the crown and back again.
The conglomerate was so similar to the pavement there that it seemed to have just thrust itself up out of the flatness into three-dimensional form. It had a friendly, almost pet-like emotional energy, puppyish in its desire to be picked up. Another object in its still-forming stages that might take on a more mature rockishness when it got to its next stage. |